Exploiting a bad implementation of OAuth2
2025-02-20Details about how I exploited a bad implementation of OAuth2, leading to a single click account takeover.
XSS in django-impersonate 1.9.3 and django-gravatar2 1.4.4
2025-02-08Details about two cross-site scripting vulnerabilities that I reported to django-impersonate and django-gravatar2.
XSS in django-allauth 0.63.5
2025-01-19Details about a cross-site scripting vulnerability that I reported to django-allauth.
Advent of Code 2023 - solutions and my experience
2023-12-27My solutions to Advent of Code 2023 and my experience.
Securing your development environment
2021-07-24Tips on how to secure how to secure your development environment from your computer to your terminal.
A tale about security in web applications, or how I helped to save a bank from bankruptcy
2021-06-18A short tale about the importance of good security practices while developing or auditing safe critical systems.
Devsu Code Jam 2019 - solutions and my experience
2020-10-02Solutions to some problems from the Devsu codejam 2019 contest and my experience.
File navigation in Neovim and more
2019-09-06How to navigate files and more in Neovim
Read the docs
2019-07-06When we write software, people tell us to write docs for it, but we forgot to read the docs very often
De guía en Django Girls a pasante en Read the Docs
2018-05-30Esta es una historia de como participar como guía en un Django Girls me llevó a conecer a grandes personas, aprender mucho, compartir y llegar a hacer pasantías en Read the Docs.