• Posts
  • Exploiting a bad implementation of OAuth2

    Details about how I exploited a bad implementation of OAuth2, leading to a single click account takeover.

    XSS in django-impersonate 1.9.3 and django-gravatar2 1.4.4

    Details about two cross-site scripting vulnerabilities that I reported to django-impersonate and django-gravatar2.

    XSS in django-allauth 0.63.5

    Details about a cross-site scripting vulnerability that I reported to django-allauth.

    Advent of Code 2023 - solutions and my experience

    My solutions to Advent of Code 2023 and my experience.

    Securing your development environment

    Tips on how to secure how to secure your development environment from your computer to your terminal.

    A tale about security in web applications, or how I helped to save a bank from bankruptcy

    A short tale about the importance of good security practices while developing or auditing safe critical systems.

    Devsu Code Jam 2019 - solutions and my experience

    Solutions to some problems from the Devsu codejam 2019 contest and my experience.

    File navigation in Neovim and more

    How to navigate files and more in Neovim

    Read the docs

    When we write software, people tell us to write docs for it, but we forgot to read the docs very often

    De guía en Django Girls a pasante en Read the Docs

    Esta es una historia de como participar como guía en un Django Girls me llevó a conecer a grandes personas, aprender mucho, compartir y llegar a hacer pasantías en Read the Docs.